Asia Africa Oceania has accepted the trainees from the Middle East

Special MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) this spring, the ...

Asia Africa Oceania has accepted the trainees from the Middle East MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) this spring, the rage in South Korea From asymptomatic to severe, symptoms are different In next door Korea [MERS (Mars)] of the disease that does not accustomed to hear that the patient was first confirmed, was this year month 0 days. Initially the MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome) became popular, information is not quite public, now cause misleading or confusion. In the center of the Samsung Seoul hospital is a state-of-the-art medical institutions Yosuru the world's largest company Samsung, that nosocomial infections involving many inpatient outpatient and medical personnel had occurred, it was found at a later . According to the announcement of the World Health Organization (WHO) (month and day now), MERS patient of Korea has been climbed to people in total (including the dead man), is later date does not come out new infections. Although the date was also 0 people isolated subjects, the South Korean government has announced that [the epidemic continues to measure until the termination completely].

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