Asia Africa Oceania has accepted the trainees from the Middle East

Churrasco of ginkgo input, pork and lamb meat

Asia Africa Oceania has accepted the trainees from the Middle East Churrasco of ginkgo input, pork and lamb meat With the image of the Middle East of kebab I tried to make a skewer of Sherasuko style with lamb meat. It is delicious I spices! Material (of persons) Ground pork 00g Lamb meat 00g onion /Pieces garlic Pieces Ginger Pieces ginkgo 0 grains salt Tsp coriander Teaspoon / Cumin seeds Tsp paprika a little How to make Onion chopped, garlic, ginger and finely chopped. Lamb meat is also OK, and cut thin even for shabu-shabu in a curry. Ginkgo Leave taken out by dividing the shell by heating in the range about in minutes put in the container or a plastic bag, do not splash. Ground pork, lamb meat in a bowl, put the onion, ginkgo, garlic, ginger, salt, coriander, and kneaded well in hand. Well kneaded meat will continue more and more attached to the skewer. Skewer sprinkled with cumin seeds When you and burn To golden brown long minutes on the grill. Is ready sprinkle the paprika Once burnt. Tips point Please put out the texture onion with the chopped. Upbringing of this recipe I wanted to make exotic meat dishes using lamb tried to make an image of a Middle East of kebab.

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